Saturday, December 02, 2006

INSPIRE - UN SDI Meeting on December 15, 2006

Entrance gate of DG JRC in Ispra. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2003

INSPIRE - UNSDI Meeting scheduled for 15 December, 2006. UNSDI HUCO representative is among the invited experts

The Meeting arranged by Unit SDI at DG JRC in conjuction with UNGIWG co-chair FAO will take place at the Ispra Establishment of the European Commission.
Presentation on UN SDI Hungarian Coordination Office will highlight the following aspects:
1) Formal mandate the presented initiative has got from regional or national authorities;2) Composition and partnership;3) Priorities (policies, development, …);4) Resources, programmes & strategies;5) How you see the link to INSPIRE.
Tentative agenda: